

§691 – §§691 to 697. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-181, Title V, §5.26(A), Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624


Title 12 > Chapter 7 > Subchapter I > Capital Stock Of Federal Land Banks – Section 691


  • Reference: Capital Stock Of Federal Land Banks – Section 691
  • Legend: §691 – §§691 to 697. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-181, Title V, §5.26(A), Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624
  • USCode Year: 2013

Provision Content

Section 691, act July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933, provided for minimum amount of original capital for Federal land banks. See section 2013 of this title.

Section 692, act July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364, provided for distribution and value of stock for Federal land banks. See section 2013 of this title.

Section 693, acts July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Aug. 18, 1959, Pub. L. 86–168, title I, §104(h), 73 Stat. 387, covered transfer of stock held by land bank associations. See section 2013 of this title.

Section 694, acts July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933; June 16, 1933, ch. 98, title VIII, §80(a), 48 Stat. 273; Aug. 18, 1959, Pub. L. 86–168, title I, §104(h), 73 Stat. 387, covered dividends for land bank stock. See section 2013 of this title.

Section 695, acts July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933; Aug. 19, 1937, ch. 704, §5(a), 50 Stat. 704, covered subscription by United States for unsubscribed balance of original capital stock of Federal land banks. See section 2001 et seq. of this title.

Section 696, acts July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Jan. 23, 1932, ch. 9, §1, 47 Stat. 12; Aug. 18, 1959, Pub. L. 86–168, title I, §104(h), 73 Stat. 387, covered retirement of original stock of Federal land banks. See section 2051 of this title.

Section 697, acts July 17, 1916, ch. 245, title I, §5, 39 Stat. 364; Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933; Aug. 18, 1959, Pub L. 86–168, title I, §104(h), 73 Stat. 387, set out required proportion of capital of Federal land banks that had to be held in form of quick assets. See section 2051 of this title.

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