

§6570 – Opening Bids For Stationery; Awarding Contracts


Title 2 > Chapter 65 > Subchapter II > Part B > Section 6570


  • Reference: Section 6570
  • Legend: §6570 – Opening Bids For Stationery; Awarding Contracts
  • USCode Year: 2013

Provision Content

All such proposals shall be kept sealed until the day specified in such advertisement for opening the same, when the same shall be opened in the presence of at least two persons, and the contract shall be given to the lowest bidder, provided he shall give satisfactory security to perform the same, under a forfeiture not exceeding double the contract price in case of failure; and in case the lowest bidder shall fail to enter into such contract and give such security, within a time to be fixed in such advertisement, then the contract shall be given to the next lowest bidder, who shall enter into such contract, and give such security. And in case of failure by the person entering into such contract to perform the same, he and his sureties shall be liable for the forfeiture specified in such contract, as liquidated damages, to be sued for in the name of the United States.

(R.S. §67; Feb. 18, 1875, ch. 80, §1, 18 Stat. 316.)


Section was formerly classified to section 107 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.

R.S. §67 derived from Res. Mar. 3, 1815, No. 11, 3 Stat. 249.

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2-U.S.C.-6562 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Congress

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2-U.S.C.-6566 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Senate

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