

§6574 – Senate office of Public Records Revolving Fund


Title 2 > Chapter 65 > Subchapter II > Part B > Section 6574


  • Reference: Section 6574
  • Legend: §6574 – Senate office of Public Records Revolving Fund
  • USCode Year: 2013

Provision Content

(a) Establishment

There is established in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund within the contingent fund of the Senate to be known as the Senate Office of Public Records Revolving Fund” (hereafter in this section referred to as the revolving fund”).

(b) Source of moneys for deposit in Fund; availability of moneys in Fund

All moneys received on and after October 1, 1989, by the Senate Office of Public Records from fees and other charges for services shall be deposited to the credit of the revolving fund. Moneys in the revolving fund shall be available without fiscal year limitation for disbursement by the Secretary of the Senate for use in connection with the operation of the Senate Office of Public Records, including supplies, equipment, and other expenses.

(c) Vouchers

Disbursements from the revolving fund shall be made upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of the Senate.

(d) Regulations

The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

(e) Transfer of moneys into Fund

To provide capital for the revolving fund, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to transfer, from moneys appropriated for fiscal year 1990 to the account Miscellaneous Items” in the contingent fund of the Senate, to the revolving fund such sum as he may determine necessary, not to exceed $30,000.

(Pub. L. 101–163, title I, §13, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1047.)


Section was formerly classified to section 68–7 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.

Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1990, which is title I of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1990.

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2-U.S.C.-6566 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Senate

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