

§210A – Repealed. Pub. L. 87-649, §14B, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 499


Title 42 > Chapter 6A > Subchapter I > Part A > Section 210a


  • Reference: Section 210a
  • Legend: §210A – Repealed. Pub. L. 87-649, §14B, Sept. 7, 1962, 76 Stat. 499
  • USCode Year: 2011

Provision Content

Section, act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §5(e), (f), 62 Stat. 41, related to service credit for commissioned officers on active duty Feb. 28, 1948, and to service credit for pay and promotion purposes of certain appointees during period Feb. 28, 1948, to July 1, 1948.

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Subchapter I – Administration and Miscellaneous Provisions in the Legal Encyclopedia: Public Health

In this entry about Subchapter I – Administration and Miscellaneous Provisions, find legal reference material, bibliographies and premiere content related to public health in the American Encyclopedia of Law, presenting a comprehensive view of the United States public health-specific issues, written by authorities in the field.

42-U.S.C.-203 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Public Health Service

In this entry about 42-U.S.C.-203, find legal reference material, bibliographies and premiere content related to public health service in the American Encyclopedia of Law, presenting a comprehensive view of the United States public health service-specific issues, written by authorities in the field.

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