Tag: Packers and Stockyards

  • 7-U.S.C.-213

    7-U.S.C.-213 §213 – Prevention of Unfair, Discriminatory, Or Deceptive Practices Pathway Title 7 > Chapter 9 > Subchapter III > Section 213 Details Reference: Section 213 Legend: §213 – Prevention of Unfair, Discriminatory, Or Deceptive Practices USCode Year: 2013 Provision Content (a) It shall be unlawful for any stockyard owner, market agency, or dealer to engage in or use any unfair,…

  • 7-U.S.C.-213

    7-U.S.C.-213 §213 – Prevention of Unfair, Discriminatory, Or Deceptive Practices Pathway Title 7 > Chapter 9 > Subchapter III > Section 213 Details Reference: Section 213 Legend: §213 – Prevention of Unfair, Discriminatory, Or Deceptive Practices USCode Year: 2013 Provision Content (a) It shall be unlawful for any stockyard owner, market agency, or dealer to engage in or use any unfair,…

  • Chapter 9 – Packers and Stockyards

    Chapter 9 – Packers and Stockyards Packers and Stockyards Pathway Title 7 > Chapter 9 Details Reference: Chapter 9 Legend: Packers and Stockyards USCode Year: 2013 Provision Content Transfer of Functions Functions of Bureau of Animal Industry transferred to Secretary of Agriculture by 1947 Reorg. Plan No. 1, §301, eff. July 1, 1947, 12 F.R. 4534, 61…

  • 7-U.S.C.-221

    7-U.S.C.-221 §221 – Accounts and Records of Business; Punishment For Failure to Keep Pathway Title 7 > Chapter 9 > Subchapter V > Section 221 Details Reference: Section 221 Legend: §221 – Accounts and Records of Business; Punishment For Failure to Keep USCode Year: 2013 Provision Content Every packer, any swine contractor, and any live poultry dealer, stockyard owner, market agency,…

  • 7-U.S.C.-221

    7-U.S.C.-221 §221 – Accounts and Records of Business; Punishment For Failure to Keep Pathway Title 7 > Chapter 9 > Subchapter V > Section 221 Details Reference: Section 221 Legend: §221 – Accounts and Records of Business; Punishment For Failure to Keep USCode Year: 2013 Provision Content Every packer, any swine contractor, and any live poultry dealer, stockyard owner, market agency,…