

§7299 – Limitation On Activities of Retired Judges


Title 38 > Part V > Chapter 72 > Subchapter V > Section 7299


  • Reference: Section 7299
  • Legend: §7299 – Limitation On Activities of Retired Judges
  • USCode Year: 2013

Provision Content

(a) A retired judge of the Court who is recall-eligible under section 7257 of this title and who in the practice of law represents (or supervises or directs the representation of) a client in making any claim relating to veterans’ benefits against the United States or any agency thereof shall, pursuant to such section, be considered to have declined recall service and be removed from the status of a recall-eligible judge. The pay of such a judge, pursuant to section 7296 of this title, shall be the pay of the judge at the time of the removal from recall status.

(b) A recall-eligible judge shall be considered to be an officer or employee of the United States, but only during periods when the judge is serving in recall status. Any prohibition, limitation, or restriction that would otherwise apply to the activities of a recall-eligible judge shall apply only during periods when the judge is serving in recall status.

(Added Pub. L. 106–117, title X, §1024(a), Nov. 30, 1999, 113 Stat. 1593.)

U.S. Encyclopedia of Law Coverage

38-U.S.C.-7281 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Veterans

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38-U.S.C.-7299 in the Legal Encyclopedia: United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

In this entry about 38-U.S.C.-7299, find legal reference material, bibliographies and premiere content related to united states court of appeals for veterans claims in the American Encyclopedia of Law, presenting a comprehensive view of the United States united states court of appeals for veterans claims-specific issues, written by authorities in the field.

38-U.S.C.-7282 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Services

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38-U.S.C.-7269 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Boards

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38-U.S.C.-7262 in the Legal Encyclopedia: Administrations

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