

§16294 – Research and Development For Coal Mining Technologies


Title 42 > Chapter 149 > Subchapter IX > Part F > Section 16294


  • Reference: Section 16294
  • Legend: §16294 – Research and Development For Coal Mining Technologies
  • USCode Year: 2011

Provision Content

(a) Establishment

The Secretary shall carry out a program for research and development on coal mining technologies.

(b) Cooperation

In carrying out the program, the Secretary shall cooperate with appropriate Federal agencies, coal producers, trade associations, equipment manufacturers, institutions of higher education with mining engineering departments, and other relevant entities.

(c) Program

The research and development activities carried out under this section shall—

(1) be guided by the mining research and development priorities identified by the Mining Industry of the Future Program and in the recommendations from relevant reports of the National Academy of Sciences on mining technologies;

(2) include activities exploring minimization of contaminants in mined coal that contribute to environmental concerns including development and demonstration of electromagnetic wave imaging ahead of mining operations;

(3) develop and demonstrate coal bed electromagnetic wave imaging, spectroscopic reservoir analysis technology, and techniques for horizontal drilling in order to—

(A) identify areas of high coal gas content;

(B) increase methane recovery efficiency;

(C) prevent spoilage of domestic coal reserves; and

(D) minimize water disposal associated with methane extraction; and

(4) expand mining research capabilities at institutions of higher education.

(Pub. L. 109–58, title IX, §964, Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 892.)

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